The First Responder Series is dedicated to the men and women who daily risk their lives to help keep the rest of the population safe and healthy. Too many people take you for granted. I don't!
I have been a chaplain for twenty-four years in two different hospitals and with three different law enforcement agencies. I know what you do. I know what you go through on a daily basis. I know how the public often treats you.
This series is aimed at helping first responders to first of all, help yourselves. Second, it is aimed at helping you to better serve the public you are sworn to serve.
This book is for First Responders who want to improve their communication at work, at home, and in public. Note: The contents of this book are mostly included in the book for supervisors, Leadership Training for First Responders. Therefore, this book is intended for non-supervisor First Responders.
This series is for anyone who is or wants to be a First Responder, which includes at least the following: law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, EMT's Emergency Room personnel, air rescue, and air transport.
Communication is a key to all occupations within the overall First Reponder umbrella. Public relations is always a priority in all agencies. Good Communication with each other and especially the public will certainly enhance public relations.
It is crucial for First Responders to learn how to communicate as quickly and efficiently as possibly in all situations.
Another key to being a good First Responder is : Do not bring your home troubles to work!
Learning how to communicate at home and elsewhere off the job will help you tremendously on the job as well.
Therefore, please apply the principles you will learn in this book to the rest of your life as well!
Crisis Management for First Responders is for First Responders to be able to help victims of critical incidents as well as their own personnel who are affected by the trauma they witness or experience themselves.
Individual First Responders will learn how to maintain control over a crisis scene, help the victims, identify your own personnel who will need help, and how you can help them all.
Agency leaders will learn how to setup their own Crisis Management system. This will entail developing their resources to plan and train the key personnel to implement an intervention, complete with defusing, debriefing and aftercare.
Helpful handouts are included entitled, "Critical Incident," Debriefing," and "Signs and Symptoms of Stress."
This book is for all First Reponders (law enforcement, fire, or other emergency personnel) who are or want to be supervisors in their agencies. It goes through all facets of good leadership.
Being a supervisor in any occupation is seldom easy and quite often frustrating. Being a supervisor in a First Responder agency is hardly ever easy and too often it is downright frustrating.
I think you will agree with me when I say that being a supervisor in a First Responder agency is both extremely regarding and extremely challenging. This is why I believe that there needs to be a book and a training program specifically for First Responder supervisors.
You are unique and you need to be treated that way!
This book, as in all of the books in the First Responder Series, is also the textbook for the class/training that I teach entitled "Leadership Training for First Responders." The class/training is usually adapted slightly to accommodate the different type of agency taking it. For example, when I teach this class to a law enforcement agency, then all examples and scenarios will be law enforcement specific.
Stress Management for First Responders helps you to better understand how stress affects all people, especially First Responders. Learn how to help yourself and others. Stress unique to First Responders is also covered.
Suicide Awareness for First Responders helps you to better understand suicidal people, how to help them, and what to do at a scene of suicide threats or completion. Suicide threats and completion among First Responders is also covered. Learn how to identify a co-worker who may be showing suicidal tendencies and how to help them.
First Responder Supervisor Guide is for all first responders (law enforcement, fire, or other emergency personnel) who are or want to be supervisors in their agencies. It goes through all facets of being a good supervisor. Being a supervisor in any occupation is seldom easy and quite often frustrating. Being a supervisor in a first responder agency is hardly ever easy and too often it is downright frustrating.
What is this book about?
My goals for you with this book are:
1. To help you to understand what leadership is all about
2. To help you to lead those who are under your care
3. To help you to motivate those under you
Those first three goals are basically about being a supervisor in routine situations.
The following goals pertain to being a supervisor in crisis situations both individual and group
4. To learn or review the process of preparing for and conducting crisis management
5. To learn about how you and your personnel can initiate a suicide awareness program at your Agency
6. To learn what to look for in suicidal behavior
7. To learn how to help a suicidal person
If even one of those goals is met, then I will feel that you and I have been successful and possibly lives have been saved in the process.
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